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Goal Dashboard: Track Your Life’s Progresses

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Goal Dashboard: Track Your Life’s Progresses


This goal-setting dashboard's purpose is to help you achieve your 10-year vision and goals.

It focuses on weekly, monthly, semestrial, and annual goals that ensure that you will achieve them.

Whatever goal you have, whatever variable you need to track, you can do it all in this Google sheet by using the 10-5-1 strategy.

The 10-5-1 Strategy

The 10-5-1 strategy is a strategy I shamelessly stole from MJ DeMarco, author of The Millionaire Fastlane and Unscripted (albeit I changed the name slightly).

It works as follows.

10 Years from Now

Take a piece of paper or a notebook (don’t use technology).

Write in it how you would like your life to be in 10 years.

Be as detailed as possible.

  • How much money do you have?
  • What do you drive?
  • Where do you live?
  • What do you do all day?
  • Who do you talk to, and what do you talk about?
  • What do you eat?
  • How do you look?
  • What do you read?
  • What do you write?
  • Who do you date?
  • How many fish are there in your aquarium?

Write about it, print pictures and glue them, or draw.

Anything that helps you crystallize your vision is good to go.

5 Years from Now

Now go to another page, and write what your life would need to be halfway there.

Let’s say you want to end up with $20 million in 10 years.

Five years from now, you’d need to have a business making several million in revenue, and maybe have saved up around $1 million.

Be as detailed as possible, and write where you’d need to be in 5 years in all of the areas of your life you wrote about in the 10 years section.

1 Year from Now

Now go to another page and write what your life would need to be like to get 25% close to the 5 years plan.

If you need a biz making $3 million a year in year 5, you’d need to have a profitable business in year 1.

Be as detailed as possible, and write where you’d need to be in 1 year in all of the areas of your life you wrote about in the 5 years section.



You now have your 1-year and 5-year targets to achieve.

Forget about them. An awesome life is built day after day.

We are now going to lay a yearly plan that ensures you reach your target in one year (or even before that as I did with the books).

Focusing on Your Year Ahead

Now that you know where you’re supposed to be in one year, it’s time to map that year out.

Before we start, there are several things you need to know.

  1. To improve something, you must be able to measure it: if you can’t (or don’t) measure it, you won’t be able to improve it. This is why we will create a spreadsheet that tracks the most important metrics to you (don’t roll your eyes, these strategies are used because they work!!!) on one hand, and a very short daily journal on the other.
  2. Focus on what you can control. You can’t control the number of subscribers you have on your YT channel, but you can control how many vids a week you make.
  3. The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. 10 years is not made of 10 years. It’s made of 3 650 days. To achieve your 10-year plan, you need to get each of your 3 650 days right.

This is where the spreadsheet comes in.

Get it now

I don’t normally do 1-year goals because you can achieve so much in one year that I prefer to cram all of my objectives within 6 months. It creates urgency.

That explains the first column.

Column A

Write your objectives until the 30th of June.

If you need to get a profitable company in one year, I suggest you have one idea validated within the next six months. Still in column A, write down the actions to take NOW to achieve your 6-month objectives.

Column B

In column B, I wrote “Leverage and Responsibility” because these are my focus for the year 2022, but you can disregard them. Then the column title is “not possible until”.

Find the blocks in the road that prevent you from achieving your 6-month objectives.

Eg: If your 6-month objective is to validate at least one idea, it won’t be possible until you start researching, or talk to a consultant!

Write down the roadblocks corresponding to each 6-month goal.

Column C

Column C is the calendar, organized per week. It helps you focus on your weekly and monthly goals.

Column D

Column D is where you write your weekly and monthly goals. Write the weekly goal in the cell corresponding to the week on column C, and the monthly goal on the cell corresponding to the title of the month.

This is a very important column, as this is how you will be able to measure your goals!

The smaller the tracking the unit, the more you can make sure you have moving forward.

Column E

This column is directly dedicated to a weekly objective, which is my reading schedule. I left the titles of the books because they’re all great books to read!

Column F

Column F contains all of the goals related to my blog. As soon as I achieve one, I pick another one and write it in column D.

Column G

Column G is a calendar for the months as the next column will have goals measured monthly.

Columns H, I, and J

Columns H look at the amount of money I am making each month, column I looks at all the income streams I currently have, and column J is a random column for a chocolate business I may start soon.

As you can see, the most important columns in my sheet are columns E and F.

These are the goals I am working on on a weekly (daily) basis.

You should never have more than three objectives per week (but you can have as many tasks as you want).

I use color codes to make the sheet more lively.

Green is used to highlight the tasks I have finished. Red is used to highlight the task I am not capable or willing to do at the moment. It’s a “pause” button.

Yellow is to highlight what I need to work on this week.

And orange highlights the barriers I can work on right away.

Use your own colors how you want them.

To Conclude

You can't improve what you don't track.

I know it's a bit of work, but I make this sheet so that you have less of it.

Listen, anything valuable is hard to get because if it was easy, everyone would do it - and not everyone can have valuable things.

That's what I tell myself when I want to do something hard: because it is hard, it likely brings me closer to my goals.

Get the sheet. It's free. And get working.

One step at a time.

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A dashboard that will support achieving your goals in ten years or less

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